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Nav Sidhu

Hi, I am Nav. I have a true passion for travel. It took me 10 years to finally follow my passion and make into a career. I chose this line to help my clients to fulfill their travel dreams and to be able to check off my personal destinations too. My love of travel has taken me to USA, Mexico, Greece, London, and I still have many more to go to. If you are also looking for the lifetime experience, look no further. I would love to assist you in planning your special vacation.

Quote Request

    First Name*

    Last Name*

    Daytime Phone Number*

    Email Address*

    Departing From

    Destination or Deal

    Departure Date

    Return Date

    Number of Adults

    Number Children

    Please list ages of children (if any)

    Travel Type

    Preferred hotels or cabin type

    Approx. budget / person

    Your Message

    Enter Code


    Nav Sidhu

    T: 604.669.6607 ext 941
    T: 1.877.523.7823 ext 941
    F: 604.669.5336
    E: [email protected]