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Sherry Sinclair

Hi, I’m Sherry! I am excited to partner with you on creating adventures and memories. I bring a passion for travel and a love of learning that will help me support your endeavors. From the quick getaway to the retirement bucket list, let me utilize a flair for details and enjoyment of research to find that  opportunity to make your travel wishes come true. Lets discover new places, people and experiences along the way.

Quote Request

    First Name*

    Last Name*

    Daytime Phone Number*

    Email Address*

    Departing From

    Destination or Deal

    Departure Date

    Return Date

    Number of Adults

    Number Children

    Please list ages of children (if any)

    Travel Type

    Preferred hotels or cabin type

    Approx. budget / person

    Your Message

    Enter Code


    Sherry Sinclair

    T: 604.669.6607 ext 952
    T: 1.877.523.7823 ext 952
    F: 604.669.5336
    E: [email protected]