Traveling as a Couple
It’s been said that a true test for any couple is their first big vacation together. A vacation is the perfect opportunity for couples to spend quality time together, but even the happiest of couples need some personal space sometimes, and depending on the length of your vacation… that can be tough when you’re together 24-7. But if you plan ahead, in most cases, you’ll find it totally works… and preparation starts in the planning:
It can be a good idea to divide the responsibility of traveling so a trip goes smoothly, but no one person feels like they have to do everything “or” that they don’t have a say in the matter.
Another important agreement to be made ahead of time is on the money allocation. It can be a cause of friction of you haven’t traveled before or don’t live together.
Agree ahead of time how you’re going to split costs. For dating couples, it’s a detail you’ll want to work out before you go.
And then there’s the preparation in packing… a few small tools to make your getaway go just right:
Earplugs – for example – can be a small price to pay for silence on the plane or a restful night’s sleep.
An MP3 player or iPod can provide you with a convenient escape whenever you need one…
An eye mask will also come in handy…it’s perfect for blocking out TV or a reading light when your partner isn’t ready to sleep but you are. That being said, make sure you take along some reading materials for yourself when you need some easy distraction.
And for all you travelers who prefer to hit the road… in this day of high-tech – well, just about everything – a GPS is your best tool against a battle over directions.
With these tips, couples may be more like to “stay” couples during their vacation.
Happy Travels!
By Claire Newell, Travel Expert