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Claire's Tips

Hotel Safety Tips

Unfortunately travelers are easy targets… and hotels can attract criminals’ attention. But, there are some simple rules to keep you – and your property – safe at a hotel.

– It’s always best to leave valuables at home, but if you can’t, don’t stash them in the dresser drawers… use the in-room safe… or better yet the safe-deposit boxes at the front desk – they’re protected from the public and often have cameras watching them.

– Keep your room keys safe – If you lose a key, tell the front desk agent that you need a ‘new’ key, not a duplicate. A new key will reprogram the lock, making it impossible for anyone to use the lost key to gain entrance to your room

– Close your door! – Hotel managers often find hotel room doors not pulled shut or that have been deliberately propped open. Make it a habit to use all the locks: the deadbolt, the chain – the whole lot.

– Use valet parking – Besides protecting your personal safety, valet service can protect your car and belongings. Hotels usually have no responsibility for any theft or damage to your car if it’s in a parking lot. You’re better covered in valet parking.

– Finally, use your common se

nse – Don’t drink too much. Don’t tell anyone your room number. And don’t invite strangers to your room.
Now if something does happen to you or your property… Notify a security officer and a manager immediately. They’ll ask you to file a detailed report on the incident. There is also insurance that you can buy to protect against loss or theft…its called baggage & personal effects insurance. In most package-type insurance it covers for up to $1000 per person. But, you can buy it separately for protection up to $2000 per person.



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